
Here is a little bit more information about our education coalition. We are a group of environmental educators who help to answer questions about environmental pollution. We believe everyone should have access to trustworthy information for free. We try to provide accurate and helpful information about environmental pollution here.

If you’d like to ask a question or join our team of writers, follow the appropriate links below.

Thanks for stopping by!

To ask a question about environmental pollution, please submit our Ask A Question form.


How do I submit a question about environmental pollution?

To ask a question about environmental pollution, please submit our Ask A Question form. We’ll let you know when your question is answered by sending you an email with a link to the corresponding webpage.

Who is on your team of writers?

Our writers come from various backgrounds. What we all have in common:

  • An interest in the natural environment and in most cases a formal education in environmental science or a related field
  • A strong writing foundation
  • A desire to make accurate information available to people who are seeking answers

Can I write for you to help answer questions?

Yes, anyone can join our team of writers to help answer questions. You can fill in our contact form below with your area of expertise and links to your writing portfolio. Please keep in mind:

  • All posts are anonymous
  • All articles are reviewed by our editor before being published
  • All facts are checked to make sure they are accurate and properly cited
  • It may take a few weeks for your submission to be published (we are all volunteer based, including our editor)

Who pays for the site? Do you have sponsors?

The site and all content is operated on a volunteer basis. We do not have any sponsors. At this time we do not accept donations, but we may accept donations in the future to help with maintenance and editing costs.

If you like the work you see here, you can thank us by leaving a comment on the article that has helped you.

Apply To Write for Us